Finding Comfort in the Little Things – Guest Post by Author Sheri Williams

Friend and fellow author, Sheri Williams, is here today to talk about the little things she takes comfort in. Everyone, even writers, need crutches. As authors, we avoid word crutches at all costs, but for struggling writers, creature comforts are a luxury. Let’s face it, until you’ve hit it big, like Nora Roberts big, there’s a limit on the luxuries we writers can afford. That doesn’t mean we don’t need to be comforted now and then.

Pants and Coffee SW

I’m a comfort needer. Are you? I mean, I take needing comfort to a whole new level sometimes.

  • Spend a whole day on the couch snuggling my youngest? Yes please.
  • Miss finishing work because I just needed to read that book one more time? Of course.
  • Eat all the mashed potatoes even though I’m supposed to be counting calories? Not even a question.

I hold onto clothes because they are so comfortable, even when they’re starting to fall apart or don’t fit me anymore. Three pieces of clothing that I can think of off the top of my head.

  1. The pajama bottoms from when I had my first daughter. I got the comfiest silk PJs to wear in the hospital. They were so big that I tossed the top a while back, but I still hang onto the pants, even though they are constantly threatening to slip off my butt with every step I take.
  2. I have a shirt that was my mom’s when she was in high school. Yeah, it’s that old. I found it when I was in high school and wore it thin. So now it sits, rolled up in a brown paper bag in my drawer. I love that kitty on a rainbow, I’ll never toss it out.
  3. And then there’s the hoodie. The giant, really ugly hoodie that I have had for ten years. It was a friend’s and I stole it. I wear it every winter. It’s fraying at the sleeves, I don’t talk to that friend any more, yet I still use it.

The same goes for books. Have you ever read a book so many times you feel the characters are your friends? Enter Persuasion by Jane Austen and Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie.

If I have a bad day, I read them.

If I can’t find anything to read, I read them.Books SW

If my muse has dried up and I can’t write, I read them.

They are my friends. My comfort in book form. No matter what genres I’m currently gorging on, I always go back to those two books. No matter how often I purge my shelves to make room for new books, those two stay. I’ll never get rid of them.

So how about you? Do you take needing comfort to a whole new level? What’s your favorite comfort?

Thank you, Sheri, for sharing. Ha. That’s sounds funny. I know I have my comfort crutches. I can honestly say, I would live in yoga pants and sweats if I could work from home. P&P is my go to comfort. There’s just something about Austen that’s soothing.

You can find Sheri Williams and all her books on her website above.

Author Pic I was born and raised in San Francisco, CA, and have a husband and two children. Music is an addiction. I can often be found in the car, singing along at the top of my lungs to whatever is playing. I work full time, and I split my spare time between family, reading, blogging, and writing. I’m a habitual quoter. Lines from films and TV shows constantly pop into my head—my kids are the only ones that really get it. I’m an only child, and so of course I married a man who is one of ten children. Other than English, I speak Spanish, Moroccan, and a little French. I love to travel, but don’t do enough of it. Reading has been a passion for most of my life and I now love writing. I’m klutz, and in my own mind, I’m hilarious.

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