#WriterWednesday-New Excerpt From Reconstructing Roman by Sandra S. Kerns

Reconstructing Roman is a brand new romantic suspense novel by Sandra S. Kerns. You can read my Goodreads review here, but I thought it might be nice to tease you with a little excerpt. Enjoy.


When Kaia hung up the few remaining doubts about her move vanished. Despite the money her family had, she had never belonged in that world. Grant understood that. His father didn’t.

Daniel Wentworth had fought her move every step of the way, even trying to have Grant talk her out of it. When Grant refused, even siding with her, his father had gone ballistic. When he found out she’d sold her apartment and rented a trailer, he’d finally accepted the truth.

Well, she thought he had, but now she had her doubts.

“Okay, Nicky. If we’re going to stay here, it’s time to call for some help.” Kaia grabbed her backpack from the floor and dug through several pockets before she found the card Daniel had given her. Nicky sat at her feet while she input the number.


Kaia was caught off guard by the older female voice that answered the phone. Daniel had said the caretaker was male and lived alone.

“Hello, this is Kaia Beecher. I’m–”

Before she could finish she heard a short startled scream and the person obviously dropped the phone. She called out hello a few times hoping to find out what happened.

“Who is this?”

The deep, angry, demanding male voice surprised Kaia as much as the original female voice. “Kaia Beecher. I was given this number if I had any trouble at my grandparents’ house. I’m looking for an Adam, um, just a minute.” In the shock of being yelled at, she’d dropped the card.

“Smirnosky,” the deep voice said. “Why would you be looking for Adam?”

The man didn’t sound angry anymore, but concerned. Kaia persevered. “The executor of my parents’ estate told me he was acting as a caretaker for the farm. Mr. Wentworth was supposed to call ahead and let Mr. Smirnosky know I was coming. I’m guessing he didn’t do that.”

Of course he didn’t. The man had no intention of making her life easy unless she married his son. Damn him.

“Just a minute,” deep voice said.

Kaia heard a click as if the phone had been set down. Then she heard the man’s deep voice speaking to someone in a much softer tone. The gentleness of his voice sent a shiver over her skin. The only time she’d ever heard a man’s voice sound like that was her father comforting her mother. Those two had been unbelievably, head-over-heels in love, even after thirty years.

“Miss Beecher, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. We’ve had a rough week here. Adam isn’t available right now. He hadn’t mentioned taking care of your property to me, thus the confusion. Well, that and the fact that you sound just like your grandmother.”

“Excuse me?”

“The lady who answered the phone was a good friend of your grandmother’s. When you said you were Kaia Beecher, Miss Hattie thought it was a ghost. It gave her a bit of a scare.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I never even thought about it.”

“It’s okay. I’m sure Miss Hattie will recover. What was it you need help with? I can try to take care of it.”

Kaia debated the wisdom of getting help from someone she didn’t know, hadn’t been recommended, and seemed to have a quick temper. Then again, she didn’t really know anyone here. Still–

“If it helps, I’m Adam’s brother. Actually, we met earlier today up at the Bury Patch. I’ve just come back to town and . . .”

“It’s been a rough week,” Kaia finished for him, her mouth pulling into a grin.

“Well, yeah, but actually, I was going to say, I probably know the property better than Adam. I used to help your grandfather out when I lived here.”

Deciding he sounded repentant for his earlier harsh tone, he was trying to help his brother, he used to work with her grandfather, and she had at least met, she would trust him. Her earlier thought about a boy who helped her grandfather returned. She wondered if this was the same person, but she wasn’t brave enough to ask.

“I just got back to the house before the rain hit. Since it stopped, I looked around for the main water valve and fuse box, but I can’t find either one.”

“I can take care of that for you. I’ll be over shortly.”

The man disconnected and Kaia found herself staring at the phone. She didn’t remember people out here being rude, but then she had only been a child. When she really thought about it, he hadn’t really been rude. He probably thought I’ll be over shortly was the same as saying goodbye. He’d also said things hadn’t been going well this week, so she should give him a break. As long as shortly didn’t turn out to be two hours or something. Until he got here she could start moving boxes to appropriate rooms, she thought.

She’d barely moved two boxes when Copernicus ran to the front door yipping and jumping up and down.

“What is it, boy?” she asked, emerging from the kitchen in back. “Do we have company?”

Kaia looked out the door and watched a familiar truck pull up behind her SUV. The cab door opened and a large work boot appeared below the door. She saw Roman’s dark hair above the door before he leaned back in the truck for something. Without thinking, she opened the screen door and Copernicus bolted through the opening. He ran to the man yipping all the way and jumping up against his calf.

“Hey there, Cujo,” the man said, reaching down and scooping him up in one hand. “We meet again.”

“Copernicus,” she chided the dog as she walked toward them.

“Uh-oh, I got you in trouble again,” the man said before meeting Kaia’s gaze.

“It is you.”

“It’s me, who?”

Kaia laughed though he looked serious. “The Roman I remember from when I visited here as a child and the man from the cemetery earlier today. That must be why Nicky ran to you, though he did run to you at the cemetery too. That’s odd. He doesn’t usually . . .”

“Guilty of the first two, but what doesn’t he usually do?” he asked, handing Nicky back to her.

She felt color suffuse her face and dipped her head as she answered. “Like men.”

Roman Smirnosky laughed. “Smart dog. Let me take care of the power for you first and then I’ll look into the water.”

With that, he turned and walked down the side of the house. Kaia watched him until he disappeared. “Okay, Nicky, I guess he’s in a hurry. Let’s go inside so we can let him know when it comes on.”

Walking inside, Kaia went to the kitchen. She looked out the window to see where Roman had gone. There was no sign of him. She knew he hadn’t come inside, so where the heck was the power box?

A minute later, the side door of the shed opened and he stepped out. She watched him lock the door and then pause. His head turned just a little as if he had heard something behind the shed. It was only a moment, but for some reason it gave her a sense of unease. Then, he turned and walked toward the back door. Remembering she’d locked it earlier, she rushed over, twisted the deadbolt and opened the door before stepping back.

“You’re letting your imagination get the best of you,” she said laughing at herself and shaking her head as he knocked on the back screen door. “Come on in.”

The moment he set foot inside, the rest of the room seemed to shrink. Copernicus ran straight for him. When he smiled and scooped the dog up again, Kaia lost all ability to breathe. He had a killer smile. He rubbed Nicky’s head before turning his gorgeous green eyes toward her.

“Are you and your resident astronomer staying here alone?”

A sliver of fear pierced Kaia’s mind. His angry accusation on the phone, and his obvious physical strength had alarm bells clanging in her ears. She was a woman alone in a town, hell a state, where she didn’t know anyone to call if she needed help. Then she noticed that he hadn’t moved any closer. He made no move to crowd her. And damn it, Nicky liked him.

You can find Reconstructing Roman online below. Love that dog.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1MXZFoP

Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1FZKgVE

iBooks: http://apple.co/1PO3UbG


The north and the south collided again when Sandra was born. Her parents relocated to New York from Kentucky shortly before she was born. Talk about worlds colliding; being the only official Yankee in a house full of rebels made life interesting to say the least. If you ever speak to her in person, don’t be surprised if a “y’all” pops out because she also spent a number of years in Mississippi. Sandra now lives in Northern Colorado where she writes her stories of love from a sweetheart-of-a-town. With the majestic Rocky Mountains, family, and friends to inspire her she never lacks for ideas.

Sandra has always loved words. By the seventh grade she should have known she would be a writer, when much to the regret of her classmates, she chose idiosyncrasies as a spelling word. One of the high points of her life was the first time she beat her mother at Scrabble! Yes, it’s still her favorite game.

Being a morning person allows her to get all her writing and other work done which leaves her time in the evenings for her suspense, thriller, sci-fi shows. While she enjoys the intricacies of figuring out the how, who, and why of crimes, her real love is for the relationships that bind the players together. The bonds between partners on and off the force. The dance between people at work, at play, and in their everyday settings. These are what keep Sandra writing her stories bringing suspense and romance together in a mutually satisfying conclusion.

Author links:

Website: http://sandrakerns.com/

Facebook: Sandra S Kerns Facebook

Twitter: @SandraSKerns

LinkedIn: Sandra on LinkedIn

Pinterest: Sandra S. Kerns on Pinterest

Blog: Ramblings & Reviews

Goodreads: Author Sandra S Kerns

Amazon: Sandra’s Amazon Author Page

Smashwords: Sandra’s Smashwords Author Page

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You can find me and my books on my website at http://www.jennifersenhajiauthor.com/

It’s Not All About the Money

Finalist Medallion-CRW

This week, I received a notification from CRW (Colorado Romance Writers) that my first novel, Sweet Dreams, is a finalist for the 2015 Contemporary Single Title Romance Award of Excellence.

How did this happen?

Last February, a fellow author posted a notice in my writing group about this competition, and on a whim I entered my novel. Entered and completely forgot about it.

Earlier this week, a call came in on my cell from an unknown number in Colorado while I was at the day job. Naturally, I thought it must be a telemarketer. I was wrong. The message was from one of the contest coordinators who followed up with an email informing me my novel, Sweet Dreams, is a finalist.

SweetDreamsEbookCoverFinal For Promo

You can find the complete list on their website at http://crw-rwa.ning.com/page/2015-aoe-finalists

Congratulations to all the finalists. We did it.

Authors love reviews. I do. It means someone has read my work. Out of the millions of books out there, someone chose to read mine. It’s a great feeling.

I write contemporary romance. My goal is to entertain the reader with stomach-flipping chemistry and characters they can fall in love with. My messages are simple: Love conquers all. Friends can make the best lovers. Live life to the fullest. Be strong. Love is a gift.

I’m not expecting a Pulitzer, but this type of recognition, by my peers is really touching. I rarely monitor my sales. In fact, I don’t know when I’ve sold any books until I see a deposit in my account two months later. I haven’t broken even yet on any of my books, but the knowledge that readers enjoy my work is so much more gratifying than a couple of bucks.

Thank you, readers. Thank you, CRW. I truly appreciate your support.

You can find the CRW at http://crw-rwa.ning.com/

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Signup to join my Dream Team to receive sneak peeks and access to my sweet and spicy tips.


You can find me online at http://www.jennifersenhajiauthor.com/

New Release: Shades of Blue by Dana Britt


“I can promise you one thing will stay the same—me.”

She wants to get lost in her memories.

He wants her to find her way home.

About Shades of Blue:

Shades of Blue

Heart-broken and reeling with grief, Charlie flees to a far-flung tropical island in search of a safe haven where she can let her treasured memories consume her. Hiding away from the world, she battles nightmares and fresh tragedy while trying to make sense of her new reality.

Living his island dream, firefighter-turned-fisherman Gabe Montgomery is determined to be Charlie’s port in her storm of pain and loss. Blindsided by life-changing revelations from his own past followed by the possibility of a terrifying personal loss, Gabe realizes that sometimes letting go is as much a part of love as holding on.

When Charlie and Gabe acknowledge their powerful connection and cling to one another for comfort and hope, both face a frightening dilemma: surrender to the past, or face the challenge and promise of a future together.

Will the memories and mistakes of the past consume them or can Charlie and Gabe hold fast to each other and the hope that will bring them to promising future together?

We have a character interview with Gabe Montgomery. Check it out.

Gabe Montgomery—Shades of Blue (Dana Tanaro Britt)

  1. What was your childhood like? Wildly idyllic. I grew up on the New England shore– Mom, Dad, Sister, Friends. A kid’s dream.
  2. Do you have any hobbies? I like to call my life my hobby, I love what I do. That being said, these days I’m building toys for the FDNY toy drive. It’s a lot of fun, even with all the minute details & all.
  3. If you were at a store now, what ten items would be in your shopping cart? Before I met Charlie or after? *laughs* Before, probably less than ten items since I eat most of my meals at The Painted Parrot—things like shaving cream, toilet paper & a woodworking magazine. After? Things like scented candles, pink tissues, chocolate milk…who knows what else?
  4. What is your favorite scent? Why? Hmmm, I’ve never thought about it, but I’d have to say the smell of the sea–for obvious reasons—followed closely by orange blossoms, because Charlie always smells like orange blossoms. *smiles*
  5. What is your favorite beverage? I’m a bar owner, there’s probably a rule against having a favorite. *raises lemonade glass* However, lemonade is always handy around here.
  6. Are you lucky? Oh, hell, yeah. *gestures around him at the bar, the sea*
  7. What is your most closely guarded secret? *raises eyebrow* Wouldn’t be a secret if I told you, would it?
  8. Do you keep your promises? Sure, I try to.
  9. What in your past would you like to forget? *shifts in his seat & looks around then sighs* Ya know… *pauses* Let’s just move on.
  10. Was there ever a defining moment of your life? Two big, big moments—the ones where I met those two people. *points*
  11. You’ll have to read Shades of Blue by Dana Tanaro Britt to find out just what two people Gabe was pointing to just then! : )

Author Bio:

Once upon a time, a sassy Kentucky girl fell in love with a handsome Hoosier boy. What followed is a still-unfolding story filled with laughter, starry nights, children…and pizza–yes, pizza

When Dana Britt is not writing stories of hope, home and happily ever after, she can be found porch sitting with sweet tea and a book in hand. Dana carries three things everywhere she goes: cherry chapstick, a camera, and her phone. Her idea of a perfect day is a road trip that includes sunshine, pizza, taking pictures and spending time with her own Hero and two young adult children. Dana often shares bits about it all online at DanaBritt.com–she’d love for you to stop by!

Author links:

Website: http://danabritt.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dana_Britt

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dtbritt1

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/DanaBritt

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1MihSwj


Book Links:

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1QieuYJ

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1MiexNH


A freebie for you!

Burnout is a short prequel to Shades of Blue. http://danabritt.com/blog/coming-soon/


Thanks for stopping by.

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Today’s Special-Sweet and Spicy Romance


Yet another night I sit at my laptop, catching up on blog posts whilst episode after episode of the tasty food competition show Chopped simmer over the airways.

Spicy- If you follow me, you know I love spicy food. Tonight, we had a beautifully marinated chicken for dinner that my husband was kind enough to prepare before leaving for work. My daughter had it baked to golden brown, a nice tossed salad, and some quick French fries done by the time I put my purse down after overtime at the day job. Love it. I’ll take dinner on the table when I get home every night, Alex.

Spice is so important. It warms. It invigorates. It makes you sweat. It flavors your food and your love life.

This week I’m sharing excerpts of my books that will make you salivate for more…Hopefully. Monday, I shared an excerpt from Sweet Dreams which you can read here. Below, is a little morsel from Sea Breeze. Bon appetit.

Sea Breeze: Sea Breeze Ebook Cover

“Hey. Where have you been?”

“I was upstairs, having a drink. It’s less crowded up there and they’re playing reggaeton.”

“Sweet. Hey guys, let’s go upstairs for a bit.”

Kim’s friends all trail behind her as she leads the way. Following the group, I make eye contact with Eric as soon as the bar comes into view and head out to the dance floor. This is the first time Kim and I have actually spent any time together on the cruise, except for sleeping.

Of the five women with Kim, I’m probably the most conservative in my dance moves. They’re all going for pole dancer, “drop it like it’s hot” status, whereas I’m conservatively swaying to the beat. But it’s all fun, and I laugh, watching as each woman tries to outdo the last. Getting caught up in the music, I let go and close my eyes. Dipping my hips to the sultry rhythm, I imagine dancing with Eric in a small Puerto Rican bar, as the crowd pushes us closer together, sweat dripping, breath mingling, gripping his taut shoulders as his strong arms encircle my waist…

My eyes open and immediately find Eric behind the bar. He watches me intently on the dance floor, lips parted, and my body flushes with arousal. Body language is easy to read. Bartenders are freaking experts at it. Nothing short of screaming “come take me” would be any more obvious to him at this point as I keep my gaze locked on his while rocking my hips side to side. He knows it. I know it. He could crook his finger and I’d be over there in a second, or he could come out here and join me for a grind.

Our gazes remain locked a few more beats, but when a customer approaches him and breaks the connection, I come to my senses, duck out and run back to my room before he has a chance to accept my body’s invitation. I may want him, but I also want what’s best for me. Better to be safe than sorry, I tell myself as I lie in bed, frustrated and alone.

For more from Jordan and Eric, Sea Breeze is available on Amazon.

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Find me and all my books on my website at www.jennifersenhajiauthor.com




Twitter, how I love thee. Let me count the ways.


140 characters. That’s not much. You have to keep your message short and sweet. People, in general, these days do not have the time or the inclination to read tons of long diatribes online. Their attention is already being pulled in a thousand different directions. It’s a miracle you’re reading this post now.

So in the spirit of keep things to the point, here’s a list of reasons I love Twitter.

  • Connecting with friends- With people I already know, this is an easy way to share a thought they could be interested in or comment on something they post.
  • One degree of separation- Yep. I’ve had twitter exchanges with authors and celebrities way outside my friend circle. It’s a squee worthy moment when someone you admire from afar comments on something you’ve said.
  • Extending my reach- Mixed in with conversations is the opportunity to market. Yes, I use twitter to market. It’s not all I do, but if I have a book releasing, you can be sure to see those notifications on my feed as well.
  • Linking up- There are days on Twitter like #MondayBlogs, #WWWBlogs, #WriterWednesday, where you can find content linked to headlines that you want to read.
  • Hashtags- This is where those hashtags actually work. Type in #amwriting and see every post that includes that. Type in #Romance and find every post including that hashtag. Type in #JaneTheVirgin and you may find yourself exchanging quips with the awesome Rogelio De La Vega.

As a writer, in my opinion, the key is to make the primary use of Twitter a way to engage and interact. Marketing secondary. You may say, “Well this week there were an awful lot of links to your books on Twitter.” Yes. This week I released a new book. I would be remiss to not get that news out there. But normally, I’m there to chat, share a laugh, link up to writing tips, and hopefully entertain.

You can find me, my social links, and all my books on my website at http://www.jennifersenhajiauthor.com/

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and access to my sweet and spicy tips.


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